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Islander Pricing and Options



 Please note that guests on The Islander may be placed in rooms with other guests. If you do not feel comfortable with that possibility, we   ask that you postpone your plans and visit us in the future. We also ask individual guests to postpone if experiencing any of the following   common COVID symptoms: Fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell.



 Our all-inclusive rates include meals, snacks, and an open bar while onboard The Islander. Please note that anglers are to provide their own   provisions, including snacks, bottled waters/drinks, ice chests, and ice, for their fishing needs. Other amenities include bedding, soaps,  towels, free Wi-Fi, and local TV broadcasts.





  IN-SEASON MINIMUMS (April thru October) - $250 per person per night

 Thursday thru Saturday Nights - 4-Person - 2-Night Group Minimum

 Sunday thru Wednesday Nights - 6-Person - 2-Night  Group Minimum


 OFF-SEASON MINIMUMS (November thru March) - $250 per person per night

 6-Person - 2 Night Group Minimum Only


 Special Note: If we are already on location with larger groups, individuals and smaller groups are encouraged to contact us for last-minute

 vacancies. If space is indeed available, we will be happy to accommodate you.


 Check-In 3:00 PM

 Check-Out 11:00 AM





Check: The Islander, 15256 Hwy 603, Kiln, MS 39556


Venmo: @Ron-Hellyer

PayPal: @RHellyer

CashApp: $RonHellyer


All Major Credit Cards (4% Transaction Fee Applied)


 If utilizing one of the above payment Apps, please do not select the option of "Purchase" or "Goods and Services". Those options result in an   approximate 4% "Warranty Fee" deduction that must be recovered from the submitter.





 While gratuities are not automatically applied to your trip cost, voluntary tipping is always appreciated. If completely satisfied with the quality   of services provided and you wish to leave a tip, whatever the amount, we thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness; our   crewmembers appreciate it.





 A 50% deposit based upon your total trip cost is required to confirm reservations. In the event of weather-related postponements, your   deposit will be applied to a rescheduled trip. If rescheduling attempts do not work out, your deposit will be refunded in full upon request.





**Please Read Carefully**
 NON-WEATHER related cancellations within 7 days of your scheduled arrival date will result in the forfeiture of   individual or group deposits.




 Islander or Third-Party Captain and Boat: $125 per person each way

 Each leg of the 80-mile round trip requires a 4-person minimum departing from and returning to East Pass Christian Harbor, Pass   Christian, MS. Unless special arrangements are made, departure times to and from The Islander will be from approximately 10:00 AM to   12:00 PM each leg of the trip.


 If your transportation is provided by The Islander or one of our third-party captains, it should be noted that all decisions affecting safe   passage to and from the Islander are the sole responsibility of the licensed vessel captains. To ensure safe passage, the captain may decide to   either hasten, delay, or even postpone travel plans until weather and/or sea conditions improve. Although passengers’ concerns will be taken   into consideration, safety remains first and foremost and will ultimately affect the final decision. Travel times will be mutually agreed upon   prior to your departure.


 Arrive via Your Own Boat

 You are responsible for the safety of your own boat at all times. Rapidly deteriorating weather conditions can potentially cause damage to   your boat when tied up to our steel dock, therefore you will be required to anchor your boat safely away from the Islander overnight to   prevent accidental damage.


 We have 8 mooring buoys adjacent to The Islander that are used to safely anchor your boat both during the day and at night. Please bring   adequate strength and length of rope to serve as your bow anchor line. Secure bow lines of no less than 20’ are recommended. Shuttle

 service is available to assist you.


 Arrive via Third Party Guides

 Although The Islander does not employ fishing guides, we can assist you in locating a reputable local guide. Guides traditionally provide the   boat, gear, tackle, baits, drinks, ice, and fish cleaning services.

 You may wish to “fish” your way out with a guide; however, baggage space would be limited.

 You may also request guides to meet you on location for one or more days of guided fishing. Guide meal and lodging costs are charged at   our normal rates. All logistical arrangements should be worked out between you and your guide.


 Arrive via Southern Seaplane - (504) 394-5633

 Operating out of Belle Chasse, LA, Southern Seaplane provides excellent service to and from the Islander. Please feel free to call them and   make your arrangements.





 Skiff Rentals: $200 per day

 The Islander has four 14’ 3-person skiffs available to rent for either boat-fishing or wade fishing along the nearby islands. These skiffs are   available from sunrise to sunset, fuel consumption included.


 Please Note:

 Although the skiffs are rated to transport 3 persons in calm waters, they are not suitable for fishing with 3 persons aboard. Also, due to   sometimes unexpected and/or forecasted extreme changes in local weather conditions, skiffs will be launched and/or summoned back to   safety at the sole discretion of the captain.


 Wi-Fi Communications

 Please be aware that the Islander is located outside of existing cellular service areas therefore normal means of cellular communication are   not available. For your convenience, The Islander does have a satellite communication system available, free of charge, for texts, emails, and   Wi-Fi assisted calls.


 Due to the sensitive nature of our fixed dish satellite system and weather conditions that can affect reception, satellite   service cannot be 100% guaranteed. For those who may need to place an important call during a short-term outage,   there is also an optional Satellite Telephone on board that can be utilized at a cost of $2/minute.


 Ice: $5 per bucket (25 lbs.)

 The Islander can provide a limited amount of replacement ice depending upon demand. It is recommended that those coming in their own   boats load up well; your chests can be stored on our dock. Those guests utilizing one of the other transportation options should bring only an   ice chest or two per group since space including passengers, luggage, and gear may be limited.


 Meals and Snacks

 To begin your day, breakfast is served just prior to sunrise each morning, lunch is available at noon, and dinner is served just after sundown.   Snacks are available on board at any time.


 Food, snacks, water, soft drinks, beer, alcohol, and specialty beverages are available after check-in and throughout your stay only while   onboard the Islander. We do not provide these items for fishing needs.


 Drinking Water

 The Islander maintains a Reverse Osmosis Fresh Water system that provides pure water for our drinking, cooking, and ice making needs.   The water is available via dispenser in the galley and can be used to refill containers if needed. Due to logistics, we do not stock commercially   bottled water.


 Night Fishing

 The Islander’s dock is outfitted with high powered lights to facilitate night fishing. With the ability to visually spot and target the various fish   species, night fishing can be entertaining and effective.


 Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate floundering at night since all boats must be anchored and Islander personnel are not available to   "shuttle" guests back to the facility throughout the night. Rental skiffs are also not available for floundering since they must be picked up at   night.


 Fish Cleaning Stations

 There are two stations on our 30’ dock for your use; both stations are equipped with electrical outlets. Please provide your own electric fillet   knives, storage containers, Ziplock bags, etc.


 Battery Charging Stations

 There are two multi-plug extension cords accessible from our dock. Please remember however, that boats must be anchored overnight so   battery charging will need to be done prior to anchoring.





 What Should I Bring?

 Fishing equipment, tackle, wade fishing gear, live bait, fillet knives, and ice chests are items provided by guests and not available on The   Islander for rent or purchase. If you or a member of your party have special dietary requirements, please bring enough alternative food   choices to last through the duration of the trip.


 Do You Sell Extra Fuel?

 We cannot sell extra fuel from The Islander; however, we encourage boaters to bring as much extra fuel as they wish, and we can store it   until needed.


 What Fishing Licenses Do I Need?

 A Louisiana Saltwater fishing license is required and can be purchased from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website. Go   to Annual resident saltwater fishing licenses are $22.50. The daily non-resident saltwater licenses are $17 per

 day basic plus $15 per day saltwater. Five-day non-resident licenses are $30 basic and $30 saltwater. If renting our skiffs, the 3-day   Charter Skiff License you may see on the website does not   apply. Those licenses are issued to specifically address anglers who take the   “Mother Ship” vessel trips and fish from the skiffs provided.


 What are the Daily Limits?

 Speckled Trout – Minimum Length 12” – 25 per person per day

 Redfish – Minimum Length 16” – 5 per person per day – Only 1 over 27”

 Flounder – No Minimum Length – 10 per person per day

 Triple Tail – Minimum Length 18” – 5 per person per day

 Red Snapper – Minimum Length 16” – 4 per person per day

 Spanish Mackerel – Minimum Length 12” – 15 per person per day


 What are My Trip Limits?

 The Islander is jacked up in St. Bernard Parish and all inside fishing takes place in Louisiana waters. Louisiana has a special rule allowing   overnight guests to harvest up to a 3-day limit of redfish, flounder, and speckled trout. All other species are limited to a one-day limit. The   following represents direct quotes from the LDWF Regulations and must be stringently followed.


 What are the Multi-day Possession Rules for Whole Fish?

 LDWF:The fish shall be kept whole or whole gutted in separate bags for each species of fish. The bags shall be marked with the date the   fish were taken, the species, the number of fish contained in the bag, and the name and license number of the person taking the fish”.


 What are the Multi-day Possession Rules for Filleted Fish?

 LDWF: “The filleted fish shall have sufficient skin remaining on the fillet to allow for identification of the species and shall be segregated by   species into plastic bags or plastic containers that are marked by species to allow for easy identification, the date caught, and the name and   license number of the person who took the fish. The spotted sea trout fillets shall be no less than 10 inches in length and the red drum fillets   shall be no less than 14 inches in length”.


 Can I fish on the way home after check-out?

 LDWF: “No fisherman shall be actively fishing or engaged in fishing while in possession of more than the daily take limit”.


 Can I go floundering at night?

 Unfortunately, due to the fact that all boats must be anchored away from the Islander at night, Islander personnel are not available to   "shuttle" guests from their anchored boat back to the Islander throughout the night, nor are rental skiffs available for floundering since they   must also be picked up at night.


 Where are You Located?

 29.51.490 N

 88.52.110 W

 Positioned between New Harbor Island and North Island and across Smack Channel from Redfish Point


 How Far is the Islander From Various Points of Interest?

 Pass Christian (Home Operating Base) - 38 miles

 Gulfport - 37 miles

 Biloxi/Ocean Springs - 38 miles

 Hopedale - 45 miles

 Venice - 50 miles

 Slidell - 60 miles

 Comfort Island - 22 miles

 Northern Tip of Chandeleur Island - 15 miles

 Freemason Island - 8 miles

 The Pelican Lodge - 6 miles


How Far is the Islander From the Other Chandeleur Barrier Islands?

 Curlew Island - 15 miles

 Grand Gosier Island - 20 miles

 Little Gosier Island - 25 miles

 Breton Island - 30 miles


 Out of Town Visitors:

 Closest Departure Points to Islander – Mississippi Gulf Coast from Bay St. Louis to Ocean Springs.

 Nearest Convenient Airport - Gulfport (GPT) - 15 miles.

 Nearest Major Airport - New Orleans (MSY) - 75 miles.

 Nearest Overnight Accommodations – Hotel Pass Christian (Islander guests receive a 10% discount).


 Thank you for your interest; please feel free to call, text, or write either of us with further questions.


 Ron – 504.615.8280


 Erin – 985.640.1230



Call Ron: 504-615-8280

Call Erin: 985-640-1230

Current Location:

Chandeleur Island near New Harbor and North Island across from Red Fish Point.



29.51.49" N, -88.52.11" W



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